My Safety Plan
Click the tabs to fill out your safety plan and reference it when you are having thoughts of suicide.
A safety plan is a written list of coping strategies and resources of support that can help you stay safe when you are having thoughts of suicide.
It provides you with steps to follow to take your mind off things, and gives you a list of people to contact. You can fill this safety plan out yourself. If you have a therapist, you can create this safety plan with them.
Warning Signs
Why do you feel the way you do?
My Network
These are the people that you identify as individuals to contact when you are having thoughts of suicide. We strongly recommend listing at least one professional contact.
Please inform your contacts that you will call them when you are having thoughts of suicide.
Coping Skills
List 3 activities that you can do to distract you from your thoughts of suicide.
Make sure that these are activities that you will really do if you are in crisis.
My Happy Place
List three things that are most important to you, things that make you happy or things that are worth living for.